I let my 4 year old daughter stand on a chair and ''wash'' the plastic dishes and silverware. She really feels as if she is doing something impotant for me by helping and thinks it's fun. She also helps me fold towels and washcloths. For strength in her hands, I usually find a play-dough activity to help build muscle in her hands.(Lego's are great, too!) Good technique! They really feel important doing these ''job's'' and it improves their motor skills. My son is 10 and he absolutley loves lego's and has started a collection. He can build just about anything he imagines (cars, spacesip, star wars men, ect.). I believe ''hands-on'' jobs and things like like lego's help strenghten your mind and body by use of movement, thinking strategies and creativity.It beats video games!No offense to playing video games but finding hands-on projects minimizes so much time with the t.v.Thanks for the chance to win! My kids would love more legos!
0 comments :: Four year old's can do the dishes and fold clothes as well us!
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